by joel » Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:21 am
looking most forward to this one, of all the movies i know announced for next year. more excited about watching this then i was for the rings trilogy.
the story is a much tidier package and should be much more transferable to the big screen than lord of the rings.
the dwarfs seem to be much better represented in this movie than they were with gimli in LoTR. who served as comic relief in the movie, which was completely untrue to his literal equivalent.
one scene in the trailer hinted at some love arc between gandalf and galadriel, which i hope isnt the case. that would be another farce and completely unnecessary element if added. [rant]i don't understand the reason in so many movies to force a romantic interest in great stories when they are rarely ever need and only distract from good plot. they did it both the latest batman movies. lets face it no one cares about bruce/rachel. *gag* and some half thrown together non-nonsensical love story isnt going to make girls want to watch this over some rom-com [/rant]
can't wait.