Continuation of off-topic discussion in this thread:
Communism's failings in China and Russia weren't because it was forced onto the people or that the leaders weren't communist minded. The founding fathers of communism in China and Russia were very well intentioned and were great men. The people of China and Russia fought huge civil wars within their respective countries against the corruption and inequality of Imperialism.
Dr. Sun Yat Sen was the Chinese revolutionary that started the civil wars in China against the monarchy there. He saw communism as a good ideology and a perfect fit for China.
The failures of communism was not from it being forced onto the people or that it had oppressive leaders. The failure came from implementation and ideology vs human nature. Communism is equality among all the people. However, once there is equality among all the people, human nature kicks in and we tend to lean towards the lowest common denominator. Meaning - there is no incentive to do better. Everyone gets the same reward for doing simple or complicated work. Why would someone be a scientist if the reward for it is the same as if you were a janitor?
So in the beginning, the people wanted communism because Imperialism had the upper classes tyrannizing the lower classes and communism was supposed to be the great equalizer of these social classes. Once the equality came into effect though, the economy started falling apart.
The new communist government was given power and authority to implement this new equality. The second failing was that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Once the government gained absolute power, they ironically became corrupt from this power and didn't let go of it.