by nature boy » Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:20 am
i probably should qualify what i just said. i'm not saying don't buy. in fact, what i'm saying is buy, BUT only if you are sure you can afford it. i don't know how much you and alicia make, but i do know what some of my friends make (a lot more than me) and i know that they're struggling. why? because life is expensive and a mortgage is a huge burden. and like i said, owning a house isn't just a monthly mortgage payment of a couple grand or something, but there are bills up the wazoo on top of that.
what i would suggest (fwiw since i'm not even a home owner) is that you get a detached home and rent out the basement. that extra income will definitely help if not take care of the entire payment. but if you're planning on just getting a house/townhouse/condo for yourself, then i'd seriously consider how much you make and how much you can go without a month.
i learned this the hard way when i bought my first gti. at the time working at shoppers i was bringing home roughly just under $2k a month. i figured i'd be able to afford the $600/mo payments easily since i'll have almost $1400 left for whatever. well, add the $500 a month for insurance (b/c icbc owned me), the $200/mo for gas, at least $200/mo for food (i wasn't living at home), $50 for my phone, $60 for cable/internet, $200 for student loans, $whatever dealer charged me for maintenance, $minimum credit card payments, $spending money, i was coming up short every month... by a LOT. i had to go to my parents for help, which of course i wasn't going to hear the end of.
now, i'm not saying that you haven't made all these calculations yet, but it's something that's easily overlooked especially when presented with the excitement of buying a new home. there could be unexpected costs that you didn't factor in (like if your pipes burst or your roof starts leaking), which could leave you in big trouble. i was lucky that it was just a car that could be sold (at a huge loss) and i had parents who were willing to bail me out.
so again, if you can afford it, then buy now, don't wait. but just make sure you can, i wouldn't want to see you get into huge financial trouble just because you can't wait to get out from under alicia's parents.