by tiger » Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:56 am
For the house thing, there's going to be HST on it too. They are working on an exemption, I think, if the house/townshouse is less than $400k, maybe higher. So look for more townhouses to be at $399k, but they will give you less or it'll be smaller. They are splitting the coach houses/garage construction from the main house now to keep it under. So you build the garage after with a separate permit after the house is sold.
If you are over whatever the exemption is, you have to factor that in with your mortgage. Some people say that it could be a deal breaker cuz the banks won't ease up on their lending requirements now too. So if you have to come up with another $30K in taxes, the bank may want another $7-$10k downpayment before they will approve you. So that could mean saving another 6-12 months more.
Townhouse sales are strong because of the price point, and will continue to be strong if it stays under the HST exemption. You will probably find that you will not be getting the best bang for the buck because prices for houses say at $500k+HST, could still be a better deal overall, but people just can't afford it. Was the same when I bought my house. It was only 15% more to get 25% more land/house.
Not sure if the HST applies to older places.
The best scenario is that if you can handle it and you are able to save money while doing it, live with Alicia's parents. There's a lot of work that goes into owning your own place. It'll suck up more of your time and money because nothing is shared. Food/Phone/internet/hydro/house insurance/property tax/house maintenance. Don't forget all the inital set up fees! It's not just restricted to cell phones.
Since you have a couple of years to get ready to move out, try living as if you were on your own. Clean toilets and sink, mop/vacuum/sweep floor, mow lawn, dishes, cook, grocery shop, laundry, dusting, etc.
Just don't want you guys to get caught surprised like we did. meager skills were no match for his devastating...