by Duncan » Wed May 16, 2012 9:33 am
as long as there's still stimulation, the boobs could theoretically lactate forever. That's how back in the day you had "wet nurses". Myth or not, places of poverty do it because it's a cheap source of food and nutrition for the kids. Here, i believe it's more of an attachment thing even if the boob doesn't go bad. Well, i suppose it doesn't go bad, but i read that the nutritional value decreases as time goes on. Not that you don't get any nutritional value out of it after a year, but there comes a point where it's probably just as good if the kid gets a glass of good ol homo milk.
anyways, after a while, i think it's just a hassle. The mother has to feed the kid or else she gets engorged and she'll have to relieve her boobs somehow. But i suppose that's why every once in a while you'll see a mother who isn't shy and just whips out the boob for their kid in public.
oh ya, i just wanted to say in no way am i against boobing your kid past the age of 1... but rather, i'm against making people feel uncomfortable by whipping out the boob in public for your kid w/o covering yourself up. you don't see my whipping my dong out in public to take a leak into a water bottle at the mall.
i really should be working