Anyone heard of this site? i'm not sure if it's a repost but i just came across this site because i was looking for quick ways to get max cloud space on dropbox and someone said you could pay $5 to someone on to max out your account by generating signing up under your referral link.
anyways, i didn't buy my way to max dropbox space but this site is kinda interesting. Basically it's a dollar store (or $5 store as it were) for people to buy/sell services for $5 and they give you a duration to complete your task. People will design company logos for you for $5, or someone will give you a video guitar lesson for $5 or do some audio voice over. There are some pretty crazy ass things on there lol. Some guy's trying to sell some crazy ass commercial for $5. People can leave comments/feedback on your ad to expose frauds and what not. Interesting concept.