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The Chu Forums • View topic - Why you should be careful of taking too much flu/cold meds

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Why you should be careful of taking too much flu/cold meds

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Why you should be careful of taking too much flu/cold meds

Postby tiger » Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:57 am

My wife has the flu. She's been taking everything to try to get better quick.

Last night we watch Agents of Shield together on her laptop. My laptop was right next to hers. When it was over, I was typing stuff on my laptop.

She quickly glances over and says, "Is that a porn website?"

I'm thinking, "????!!!" Plus you're sitting right next to me.

I ask why. She says because of the pictures.

I scroll up to the top of the page where it says, "The Chu Forums".

I ask her, "you know that's my face that's been photoshopped on that picture?"
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Re: Why you should be careful of taking too much flu/cold me

Postby geForce » Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:21 am

One time, Joe, Kent, Ben and I were singing at this event. Right before the event though, Joe got sick but we really needed him so he took a ton of Buckley's. In fact, he kept the bottle in his pocket.

While we were warming up, Joe was acting really loopy (moreso than usual, haha). He kept getting loopier and loopier and he kept taking swigs of Buckleys straight from the bottle. We told him to lay off the meds because he might be getting drunk off of it. I grabbed the bottle from him and read the ingredients... it contained no alcohol! We were all like, wtf are you getting high off of??
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Re: Why you should be careful of taking too much flu/cold me

Postby nature boy » Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:06 am

never take more than the instructions man. the stuff will kill you.

and that's just how joe normally acts. seriously. all joe.

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Re: Why you should be careful of taking too much flu/cold me

Postby se7entse7en » Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:14 am

Also beware that the active ingredients in your medications may overlap. Max out on Tylenol and Nyquil and you just OD'd on acetaminophen.
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Re: Why you should be careful of taking too much flu/cold me

Postby nature boy » Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:19 am

i just wouldn't mix meds. take an all-in-one or something.

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Re: Why you should be careful of taking too much flu/cold me

Postby tiger » Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:46 am

I'm not sure what she was taking exactly but she's been eating cough candy like...well candy. Although it's a low dose of whatever, she probably ate enough for it to start messing her up.

However, my mother in law must be taking bags of cough candy everyday because she asks the most illogical questions every day.
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Re: Why you should be careful of taking too much flu/cold me

Postby nature boy » Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:41 pm

depending on the cough candy, it could really be nothing more than candy. a lot of those things are just to keep your throat moist (via spit in your mouth). however, it might be a good idea just to check the bag, as it'll list the active ingredient.

i think she just caught you surfing porn and this whole post is part of a cover-up plot.

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