by Duncan » Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:03 am
lol.. kent appears from thin air! awesome...
Anyways, yea, i'm curious as to where the 19% comes from. I have an idea, but basically, say i pay $500/mo for rent, and mortgage/utils/etc costs $1500/mo... i know it doesn't really work this way, but that means that i potentially have $1000 to invest while renting to make the most of what i have... i have to invest quite a bit to make that $500/mo rent worthwhile instead of using it towards purchasing a place where that $500/mo could bring me a return in my house...
I'm not that worried about rates rising... once again, i'm just weighing the options of buying now or later... it's just a question of when, and not if...
Chances are, yea, i might go variable, but the fixed rates were used as an example... maybe in an attempt to highlight worse case scenarios... Regardless of whether or not you think rates are going to rise that much, even rising 1% could be a huge difference over a 5 year term...
renting long term isn't an option i want to explore... i view a house as a retirement plan. once that thing is paid off, you can ask any 55-65 yr old, if they had a choice when they retire, would you rather have a house + retirement savings or no house + maybe a bit more retirement savings and i'm pretty sure 95% of the time you'd have the same answer... having a house when you retire is huge. You don't have to worry about costs of renting on a lower fixed income. if you have a house, you just pay maint/utils... and worse comes to worse, you sell the place and then rent off the profit you've made on your sale...
i really should be working