Best advice I read in somewhere regarding purchasing a home.
You should buy a place to live in as a HOME and not an investment. Everything else is just semantics.
If you can afford a place that you can see yourself and your family in for a long while in a neighbourhood you like just go for it, provided of course you aren't scraping the bottom of the barrel and eating instant noodles for every meal.
Ash and I are really really REALLY ridiculously lucky in that we've got our flat pretty much paid off (thanks for awesome parents) now since she first moved in, and we love the area so much that really the thought of moving anywhere else just doesn't hold any appeal. So all we're doing now is biding our time, I know that there will be new developments built and I know that I will be making more money in the future as well (hurray for getting career back on right track again) so we aren't that worried. We're happy where we're at now, but ultimately that is because a) we pretty much own the place outright already, b) love the area and can't afford anything else in the area now and c) our flat now is "large" enough for the 3 of us for the near future.
If you really think you are ready and want to commit to purchasing, go set up meetings with bankers, mortgage brokers and financial planners (those that are free) and just ask them for their professional opinion on whether it's feasible to do what you want to do. Keep in mind, when you're used to a certain level of disposable income and lifestyle, to drastically change things up is not an easy thing to do. When I got laid off back at the end of 08 and started work again I basically took over a 50% gross pay cut...and I have to admit it was tough. But then you learn to deal with it and manage as you go along.
You've got a supportive wife and family, whatever you end up doing will be the right thing to do provided you've done your due diligence and are sure you're ready for it.