since the other thread got locked i have to start a new one...
what hair products do you use and why? it's been a while since i had to sculpt my hair in any way so i'm a little out of it.
i remember in high school i used to use alberto mousse, but i noticed while at shoppers that it doesn't sell all that great, making me think that it sucks now.
in the past i've also used ag gel, which was super expensive but nice because it didn't leave those weird dusty flakes. but it was hard to use the right amount without the hair getting too hard.
i've recently used pantene mousse, but i didn't really like how it made my hair feel. now (at the advice of a hot chick), i'm using ag stucco (?) which apparently is supposed to be applied to dry hair. it's a little waxier than i would want, but it seems to have a good hold without too much of a female smell to it.
what do you nerds use?