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$160, And I was gonna get it right away cuz it has space to hold all your Pixar DVD's, but alas, the wife quickly put an end to that idea. (it's battery operated and moves and lights on it's own.
So when I saw this.
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I thought cool... too bad the wife's going to veto me again... but wait... it's CHEAPER!!!!
So around 10:00 when I finally got around to putting stuff away, I ripped it open and assembled it... pretty neat I thought. Then I figured I'd put in the movie just to look for the Battle scene where R2D2 is flying through the debris. I looked through the rest of the box and was like WTF!?!?!?!?! Where's my BD's??? I got freaking hosed. I know I know, it's obvious, but I was too tired and stressed out about the wife to realize that the BD's were inside the Enterprise.
It's pretty snazzy man