Well, another year, and yet again, another gymnastics party. I used up all my Jedi capability to convince her to have a Star Wars theme. Unfortunately, when the time came to choose the setting, her powers had developed enough that I no longer had the ability to Jedi mind trick her anymore. She was set […]
Category Archives: Ava
I just loved these pictures so much that I needed to share. It’s a preview for Reagan’s upcoming birthday party. A history of the patient’s health habits and buy cheapest viagra page past illnesses and treatments will also be taken. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) cialis lowest price controls the quality of all medications. […]
Apologies again for the tardiness, but like all of you, we got caught up in the craziness that is the holidays. Anyway, just a few photos to share of the girls opening presents and figuring out whether or not the ornaments are in fact edible. This year, I absolutely convinced Reagan that Santa and I […]
Another year and yet AGAIN, the request was for frozen pumpkins. Uuuugh. It was made clear however, in no uncertain terms that next year, they will need to choose a different theme. We pretty much kept with the “low effort” mantra this time around though (including this Post evidently). With Caleb’s birthday party being on […]