My Brother in Law is a dork.
Wow… Really? That’s all that keeps running in my head. I can’t believe that my little girl is two. Apologies again for the lateness of the post. I’ve been away on an extended stint in lovely T-dot for work so I haven’t had time to blab about Reagan’s Birthday. Coleen’s been super busy minding Reagan […]
Seeing as how Reagan was only 5 months old last October, she didn’t really get to experience all the really cool aspects of Hallowe’en. Stomping around in a muddy pumpkin patch, running up to complete strangers and asking them for free stuff, chasing around a tail that you never realized you had. Last year, all […]
Wow, it’s been a while since Coleen did anything here. Understandable though, seeing how she’s back at work full time now. So unfortunately for you, it falls upon me to update you with the going on’s of Reagan. Back at the end of September, we decided to make another trip out east again. We were […]
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