Well, another year, and yet again, another gymnastics party. I used up all my Jedi capability to convince her to have a Star Wars theme. Unfortunately, when the time came to choose the setting, her powers had developed enough that I no longer had the ability to Jedi mind trick her anymore. She was set […]
Tag Archives: Costumes
Another year and yet AGAIN, the request was for frozen pumpkins. Uuuugh. It was made clear however, in no uncertain terms that next year, they will need to choose a different theme. We pretty much kept with the “low effort” mantra this time around though (including this Post evidently). With Caleb’s birthday party being on […]
Time yet again for another kid update. I figure that since this blog has been so Reagan heavy we should probably insert a bit more Ava content. So in previous years, the end of October / beginning of November was always an obscenely busy time for us. So when Reagan announced that she just wanted […]
Sorry we’ve been so slow with the updates lately, but with all the travelling and then having the family down with the flu for a while, it’s been challenging for Coleen to even get on Facebook *gasp*, let alone update the blog. But yes, Reagan got to experience her very first Chinese New Year. Bye […]