I don’t know what it is about Daddy, but he is ALWAYS able to make Reagan laugh. And not just a giggle or two, but outright hee haw laughter. It always makes me smile and want to giggle myself when I am witness to it and I will admit…a little envious too. Sure Reagan loves […]
Monthly Archives: February 2011

Sorry we’ve been so slow with the updates lately, but with all the travelling and then having the family down with the flu for a while, it’s been challenging for Coleen to even get on Facebook *gasp*, let alone update the blog. But yes, Reagan got to experience her very first Chinese New Year. Bye […]

One of the great benefits of heading over to Halifax every other year is its proximity to “The city that never sleeps”. So, seeing as how we were out there anyways, the side trip was a foregone conclusion. Planning an agenda for NYC is never hard. In fact, it’s always the same; Serious Shopping, Great […]

We had been planning our trip out east to the Maritimes since Reagan was born, bought our tickets in October, and then counted the days until we were Nova Scotia-bound. Jai and I had especially been looking forward to this trip because we could not wait for Reagan to meet her cousins. We wanted to […]