Another Year, An Even Crazier Party

After three+ years of Coleen trying to convince Reagan to host a circus party, (Well, any type of party other than a Gymnastics one again…) She finally convinced her. So off to Vancouver Circus School we went. What I really love about this age and these parties is just observing how all her friends and their siblings just inherently get along and play together so well. Reagan really enjoys these parties the most, not for the activities or the presents, but she really does just love bringing people together, and that’s what I LOVE about my big girl. We’ve really missed so many of her school friends who got split up to different temporary campuses while the new building was being built. But here, we got to bring everyone back together again. And on top of that, bring in all her Church friends, and her Soccer friends. I’m going to enjoy this as much as I can as both my girls are just growing up way too fast now. Oh… and for some insane reason, Coleen agreed to let Reagan host a sleepover the same day for more than just a few of her Besties. I have no idea what the heck she was thinking…

Yup… getting up at 6:00am to make breakfast for a sorority of girls after a night of cleaning wasn’t too high on my bucket list.

But really, hard to say no to this girl.

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