Momma Chu is happy to report that baby Reagan FINALLY slept through the night last night. Night one was EXTREMELY tough. Night two was equally hard but not because of the crying. In fact there was no escalated crying the second night but just a lot of whiney crying and multiple wakings. This little girl does not favour lying on her back…noooooooo…she is a tummy girl. But when she wakes and scooches around the crib, she cannot help sometimes to roll on to her back and then flail her arms about like a turtle as Kei-Ma Corris put it. So Jai or I would enter the room, gently turn her over only for moments later, to see her back on her back. Ahhhhhhh…this little girl is most definitely the persistent type, must take after her daddy, hahahahaha! But night 3 was a real breakthrough as she technically slept 11 hours and 40 minutes straight. She whined a bit during her put down, but then slept soundly through most of the night, even rolling onto her back and sleeping pretty well…that is until 5 am when she decided she’d had enough and wanted to be back on tummy, but slept she did afterwards until 7:30am!
I hope I am not jinxing it by blogging about how ecstatic I am right now, but I will take my chances.
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My little angel. She is my little slice of heaven.
by IrishGirlie
Hi Coleen, jai & baby Reagan,
What a great blog you guys have going!! Our beautiful niece looks bigger again. We will be by again very soon…earlier in the day, for sure 🙂 Please give our snuggles to bb Reagan. You guys are a gorgeous family.
H & A