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Take the Money and Run

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Take the Money and Run

Postby geForce » Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:43 pm

Looks pretty interesting.. From the creators of the Amazing Race.

You take $100k cash and try to hide it for 48 hours.. There are professional detectives trying to find it. If they can't, then you keep the money.
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Re: Take the Money and Run

Postby nature boy » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:50 pm

do you have to keep the money on your person? why not just spend it in 48 hours? haha.

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Re: Take the Money and Run

Postby joel » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:54 am

just go the casino and put 100k on black at the roulette table... if you double it, then you can return the original 100k if they find it. if you lose it ... oh well it wasn't your money to begin with.
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Re: Take the Money and Run

Postby geForce » Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:06 pm

I'm sure there's a stipulation in there where you can't spend it.

I just found out that the detectives that are after you are actually real detectives from the local police force from whatever city their in. If the cops find the money, the cops actually get to keep it.
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Re: Take the Money and Run

Postby nature boy » Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:26 pm

waaaaat that's not fair.
i'll hide it somewhere where they can't look in without a search warrant. or an invitation.

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Re: Take the Money and Run

Postby Wetundies » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:20 am

it was on last night. saw parts of it. u only get 60 mins to hide the money, but man the detectives and investigators suck. They get 48hrs to find it.
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Re: Take the Money and Run

Postby geForce » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:07 am

Yeah, I saw the first episode. It was disappointing.

The detectives sucked, but the criminals sucked too. The guy caved after 20 hours of fake interrogation.
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Re: Take the Money and Run

Postby joel » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:19 am

i think the easiest thing to do is to mail it to yourself...
it'll take longer than 48 hours for it to arrive, and they can interrogate you all they want... technically you have no idea where is once you drop it off in a mailbox, and I don't think it'll be the easiest thing to find after it's gone to the post office either.
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Re: Take the Money and Run

Postby nature boy » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:36 am

oh yeah i forgot that last week when i was in seattle, jen was watching the bachelorette or something, and this show came on. we were like, what the heck happened to the bachelorette? but it kept playing showing the guys trying to hide the money and stuff and then the cops came and were like "game on guys, game on". and then it went back to the bachelorette lol.

it was the longest promo ever. it was like 15 minutes or something.

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Re: Take the Money and Run

Postby geForce » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:35 pm

The Bachelorette is ugly this season.
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