by se7entse7en » Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:22 pm
Prank or not it is illegal.
No, I meant Vikileaks. A couple of weeks ago Vic Toews was pushing bill C30 - an internet surveilance bill requiring ISPs to install surveilance software in order to monitor the individual internet usage by their customoers. The bill also gives the police the ability to demand any and all of this information from the ISPs without a warrant. Vic also said something like, "You're either for this bill or you're for child pornographers", which offended a number of people.
And then you had the RCMP and VPD saying how they totally support the bill and that we should trust them. Of course the next item on the news was how Corp. Marty Robinson, an alcoholic cop involved in that tazering death at yvr, was being charged with obstructing justice by trying to find a loophole in his drunk driving accident where he killed a motorcyclist. Apparently he left the scene of the accident, walked home, downed a bunch of vodka and then returned to the scene of the accident. Doing this, there was no way of knowing how much alcohol he had before the accident. Cops... gotta love 'em.
Back to the bill:
To fight back against this bill a liberal member of parliament (I believe) set up a vikileaks twitter account and publicised Vic Toews messy divorce records. Note: The information published was public information... not private so no real laws were broken. Still... the conservatives were pissed and accused the ndp of doing it. Turned out it was a liberal that did it.
Other twitter users began tweeting their person information using the hashtag #TellVicEverything. You know... something like, "Hey @ToewsVic, I just thought you should know that I just had an awesome bowel movement. #TellVicEverything."
It was pretty funny.
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