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The Chu Forums • View topic - Superman: Man of Steel

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Superman: Man of Steel

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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby nature boy » Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:08 am

i'm not going to use a single thing off that website. it's just marketing for the movie and probably bad theology.

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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby Duncan » Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:39 am

but think of all the time you could save for poker!!
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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby nature boy » Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:19 pm

it won't save time. i'd have to spend extra time fixing up the awful theology.

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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby Duncan » Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:28 pm

don't fix anything... leave it as is lol
i really should be working
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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby nature boy » Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:19 pm


just no.

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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby nature boy » Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:10 am

K, so i finally watched this movie because the lure of a free superman figure from walmart got the best of me.

My review? The movie was ridiculous.

The effects were awesome with loads of epic fights, but it was really quite ridiculous from the get go. "hey Zod, you're like the worst criminal ever, so for your punishment we're going to send you off this planet that's going to blow up in a few minutes so enjoy your prison with chance of escape while we face inescapable death. OH CRAP we should have used those resources to save a handful of us instead."
I don't mind te zod story, but they probably should wrote in his exile or whatever before jor conclusively said the planet was doomed, maybe after jor shared with zod his plan to fuse indiana jones' crystal skull into his kid or something.

At the end during the last really really long battle, was anyone else wondering why the eff there were people still strolling around on the streets? If any one of us were there, we would have high tailed outta there quicker than quick. At least in the avengers by the time the fighting got really serious, most of the civilians booked outta dodge already. In this movie, everyone was a looky-loo and wanted to see who wins.

I hate to say it, but i think i would have preferred if they just started in the middle of the story like how superman returns did. But i guess everyone needs that origin movie. It just seemed too ridiculous to me.

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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby geForce » Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:20 am

Yeah, I think there are too many origin stories these days. It's the popular thing to do though.

Anyway, I haven't watched this Superman yet, but I heard about the ridiculousness about the story, especially the battles. Superman fans were saying how awesome this movie was and how much more kickass Superman is vs Avengers, and then Avengers fans were like - at least the Avengers were trying to save people from harm, whereas Superman didn't seem like he gave a crap that his "epic battle" was hurting/killing everyone around.
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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby nature boy » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:11 pm

yeah, it reminded me of bad boys 2 where they were shooting at everything with machine guns and there were people running around aimlessly. seriously, if that happened in real life, my decision on direction to run would be quick and simple: away. not into the midst.

i should say the acting was pretty good though, until kal showed up as clark. how i long for the christopher reeve clark kent. that was absolutely the best.
i mean, look at this.

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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby nature boy » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:15 pm

however, aside from the few points that made absolutely no sense, i liked how they depicted the superman part of the movie. the issues that joel mentioned in this thread of accepting aliens was addressed, and how they had clark trying to figure out who he was and all that.

amy adams kept reminding me of pam beasley from the office, which was a distraction, as pam is no lois (neither is amy adams, for that matter). and at the beginning i kept thinking about how this all reminds me of the matrix, and when morpheus showed up (i didn't know he was in the movie), my sides actually left the building.

at this point, i'm not exactly excited to see a superman/batman movie, nor a justice league movie. however, if they just made a superman solo sequel, i'd watch that.

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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby geForce » Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:40 pm

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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby nature boy » Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:45 pm

who the heck quotes himself and then replies to himself?
seriously. haha.

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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby Wetundies » Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:44 am

Gordon does.
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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby nature boy » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:28 am

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Re: Superman: Man of Steel

Postby nature boy » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:32 am

anyway, going back to the clark/superman thing, i understand if they want to change up the image of superman/clark, but if they're going to take such liberties, why not change the "disguise" of clark too? give him a beard or something. just putting glasses and a shirt/tie on a person doesn't change how they look enough (especially not now with all these hipsters with their lensless frames here and there). give him a fedora and a trenchcoat. give him an eye patch. maybe a disfiguring scar. or even just a tan like prince adam/he-man lol.

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