by nature boy » Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:10 am
K, so i finally watched this movie because the lure of a free superman figure from walmart got the best of me.
My review? The movie was ridiculous.
The effects were awesome with loads of epic fights, but it was really quite ridiculous from the get go. "hey Zod, you're like the worst criminal ever, so for your punishment we're going to send you off this planet that's going to blow up in a few minutes so enjoy your prison with chance of escape while we face inescapable death. OH CRAP we should have used those resources to save a handful of us instead."
I don't mind te zod story, but they probably should wrote in his exile or whatever before jor conclusively said the planet was doomed, maybe after jor shared with zod his plan to fuse indiana jones' crystal skull into his kid or something.
At the end during the last really really long battle, was anyone else wondering why the eff there were people still strolling around on the streets? If any one of us were there, we would have high tailed outta there quicker than quick. At least in the avengers by the time the fighting got really serious, most of the civilians booked outta dodge already. In this movie, everyone was a looky-loo and wanted to see who wins.
I hate to say it, but i think i would have preferred if they just started in the middle of the story like how superman returns did. But i guess everyone needs that origin movie. It just seemed too ridiculous to me.