Well, to say that the summer of 2016 has been busy for us is a bit of an overstatement. But unsurprisingly, it still seems to have flown by at the blink of an eye. What was originally planned out to be a bit of a lazy, kick back and relax season still ended far too […]
Tag Archives: family
Well, another year, and yet again, another gymnastics party. I used up all my Jedi capability to convince her to have a Star Wars theme. Unfortunately, when the time came to choose the setting, her powers had developed enough that I no longer had the ability to Jedi mind trick her anymore. She was set […]
So this past Friday, Kiddy Junction Academy held their 2015 Graduation Ceremony for the year’s departing class. I had never even heard of such a thing until Coleen told me that she purchased us tickets to the 2013 event, the year that Reagan first enrolled at KJA. Silly as I thought it was originally, it […]
Surprise Surprise, when Coleen asked Reagan what location she wanted for her birthday this year we were told, yet again, that it just HAD to be a gymnastics party. Yes….AGAIN. We caved to her on the gymnastics activity for this final time as Coleen already has next year’s theme all planned out. Besides, every year […]
Time yet again for another kid update. I figure that since this blog has been so Reagan heavy we should probably insert a bit more Ava content. So in previous years, the end of October / beginning of November was always an obscenely busy time for us. So when Reagan announced that she just wanted […]