It’s the little things that make a mom and dad so giddy and proud of their little ones. It started with her first giggles at 12 weeks, then the first time she rolled over 2 weeks later. Then it was when she discovered her fingers at 15 weeks, toys at 16 and today…solids! Reagan had […]
Monthly Archives: September 2010
Corris and I learned a very costly lesson the other day. Well everything started very well intentioned. With Caleb’s birthday coming up, she was in need of some cupcake liners and cookie cutters. I know of a little shop in Langley that is very well stocked on these kinds of things, so we decided to […]
So Reagan woke up at 7 this morning as usual. She was playing by herself in bed, and I as usual, went to pick her up for some family time in my bed. Normally we play for a little bit, sharing smiles and laughs, but today was different. I lay her down and instead she […]
Momma Chu is happy to report that baby Reagan FINALLY slept through the night last night. Night one was EXTREMELY tough. Night two was equally hard but not because of the crying. In fact there was no escalated crying the second night but just a lot of whiney crying and multiple wakings. This little girl […]